May 24, 2013
By Logan Ma and Kirstie YuStaff WritersPope Francis declares that everyone is redeemed through Jesus, atheists included.Meet Cui Tiankai, Beijing’s new face in Washington.China’s most famous dissident artist releases a heavy metal song.
Lakers center and drama boy Dwight Howard is not a sure shot to return next season.Ever wonder if you are a liberal imperialist? Find out here.The Putin regime continues its suppression of dissent.The top five Tumblrs for foreign policy geeksPictures of Kurdish PKK fighters withdrawing from Turkey. Fierce.The words 'Sweden' and 'rioting' never go together. Until now.
At 80, Japanese man becomes the oldest to climb Mt. Everest.Inspiring teenager Zach Sobiech lost his battle to osteosarcoma this past Monday. Many celebrities covered his YouTube hit “Clouds.”

Photos by Karl Hab, Scott Mecum, Mahatma4711 and Fibonacci Blue.