General Submissions

We welcome a wide range of submissions, including but not limited to:

  • Academic papers

  • Freelance articles

  • Book reviews

  • Film reviews

  • Travelogues

  • Photography

  • Films

All submissions must adhere to our guidelines below to increase accessibility among PROSPECT’s diverse readership. We cannot guarantee review of submissions that do not follow these guidelines:

  • Any information from an outside source must be cited, preferably in hyperlink format. In text citations or inclusion of a bibliography is also acceptable.

  • Prospect articles typically range from 500-1200 words. Submissions in the realm of undergraduate theses must either be revised in order to meet this word limit, or potentially split into separate articles.

  • Email all submissions as Word attachments or Google Docs to

We aim to promote student journalism. Undergraduates who would like to contribute are welcome to include the college they attend and their year in their email. Professors and graduate students interested in submitting to PROSPECT are highly encouraged to contact us directly to discuss the nature of their submissions.