JANUARY 10, 2014
http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n626/prospectjournal/lbj_zps573cf9be.jpgBy Sebastian BradyEditor-in-ChiefFifty years ago, President Johnson declared war on poverty with this speech.A linguistic analysis of State of the Union speeches shows that the word "poverty" was on few presidential lips in the last five decades. Does that mean the idea was on even fewer presidential minds? Probably.Speaking of poverty: Congress is so heavily populated by millionaires that the House might as well be in the Hamptons. That might not be a good thing for representative democracy.Disappearances in Mexico raise serious questions about government collaboration with drug-trafficking organizations.Tech companies that both willingly and unwillingly cooperated with the NSA find themselves legally prohibited from defending themselves in the court of public opinion.An exploration of Jose Luis Borges's obsession and relationship with violence.Photo by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center