JULY 22, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 11.59.51 PMBy Omkar MahajanEditor-in-ChiefThis past week was stacked with noteworthy events of some significance.In the United States, Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican Party’s nomination and delivered a speech full of fear and paranoia. Meanwhile, his opponent, Hillary Clinton, selected Governor Tim Kaine as her running mate.On the other side of the world, terrorism struck France again. Over 80 people were killed in Nice, France as they were watching fireworks on Bastille Day Evening. The attacker drove a large truck through a crowd of people killing people instantly. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. Although it is yet to be proven that the attacker was a part of ISIS, the attacker did have several accomplices and helpers.In a twist of bizarre events, elements of the Turkish Armed Forces attempted an unsuccessful coup in Turkey that resulted in the deaths of over 200 people. The rebels attempted to take over the government and oust Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from power but failed. Over 2,000 soldiers were killed and an additional 100 plotters of the coup were executed. 50,000 people have been detained, suspended or fired from their jobs. It is still unknown who organized the coup.In another series of depressing and unfortunate events, three suicide bombings occurred in Yemen killing dozens of security personnel. No one has stepped forward to claim responsibility although it is suspected that Al Qaeda might be responsible. Civil war and attacks from ISIS and Al Qaeda have plagued the country since 2014. Over 6,000 people have been killed and over 2 million people have been displaced.Additionally, the capital of Afghanistan was placed on lockdown following protests from ethnic Hazaras requesting rerouted power lines in their poverty-stricken province. This is the second time that such a protest has happened.Furthermore, a shooting rampage occurred in a shopping district in Munich, Germany killing at least 9 and injuring a dozen others. It is unclear what the motive of the shooter was but police have learned that it was a lone shooter and have identified the individual as an 18-year old German-Iranian who lived in Munich for the past two years.Now, enough of this depressing news. On a positive note, Portugal beat France in a soccer match and thus won the UEFA Euro 2016. Portugal was able to win despite Christiano Ronaldo being benched in the 25th minute after injuring himself.Photo by Gage Skidmore 


