Is VR Right for Your Business During COVID-19?
Covid-19 forced us into a socially distanced working world and now companies are wondering how to keep employees connected and safe, VR could be the solution.

The Precarity and Resilience of Refugees during COVID-19
While the citizens of each country have had varying degrees of difficulty adjusting to the new international situation, refugees have been ignored, sidelined, and immobilized.

How the Developing World is Coping with COVID-19: The Case of Bolivia
Developing countries have been largely omitted from the pandemic’s media narrative. The case of Bolivia demonstrates how a lack of healthcare and economic aid contributes to an even larger disparity between the developing and developed world.

How COVID-19 is Affecting the Sex Work Industry
Sex work provides income for over 42 million people worldwide. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this “close-contact” profession is now banned, rendering many distraught, unemployed, and at high risk of contraction of the virus.

COVID-19 in The Philippines: The Case Against A Dangerously Inadequate Response
Rodrigo Duterte’s zero tolerance policy for illegal substances already has many frightened for their lives. Now, the circumstances of COVID-19 are giving Duterte room to broaden his regime of cruelty.

COVID-19 and the Deepening of Federalism in India
The COVID-19 pandemic is stimulating the strengthening of Federalism in India. The response to the pandemic in different states contains a larger theme of autonomy from the center.

After COVID-19: Implications on International Organizations and the Global Order
The post-COVID world may be a very different place to live. Due to rapid changes in geopolitics and social lives, we may find ourselves standing in unchartered territory.

The Economic Disaster Wrought by COVID-19
The globalized, industrialized, and incessantly-driven economic world that we live in is similar to an amateur riding a bicycle. The moment he bears a shock, there is a genuine fear of halting down and falling off the ridge. The COVID-19 Pandemic is fast-emerging as the greatest shock of our times to the world economy.