Op-Ed: How Long Will We Ignore Myanmar’s Seventy Year Civil War?

Op-Ed: Reform of the United Nations Security Council: Problems and Proposed Solutions

Op-Ed: Genocide in Xinjiang?: The Complexities of the U.S. State Department’s Declaration
The U.S. State Department recently labeled the Chinese government’s campaign against Uyghur Muslims as a ‘genocide.’ This article seeks to consider whether this campaign satisfies the definition of the term, or perhaps whether this declaration was potentially biased due to international politics.

OP-ED: Having Faith in Fantasy: Why Universalism is the Future of International Human Rights
Is there case for Universalism over Relativism as the standard for international human rights? Alisha Saxena addresses the challenges it faces along with the opportunities it poses in strengthening universal rights.

Op Ed: Latin America’s League of Socialist Dictators and the Call to Stop Romanticizing Socialism
In her Op Ed, staff writer Sofia Meador Sauto speaks out on the misperceptions of idealism and criticizes the Bolivian government for falling short as a socialist regime.

A look at the world of prostitution behind "postcard-perfect" Thailand and how it can be addressed. By Contributing Writer Derek Lu